Friday, October 9, 2009


Over the past few years I have faced changes in my body that have baffled me. I could always eat and drink what I wanted and for the most part I stayed a fairly constant weight with pretty high energy. Menopause affected every aspect of my constitution causing weight gain, sluggish energy, hot flashes, and achy joints that really put me off my usual style. At the same time I left a long term relationship and moved half way across the country. Major transition for anyone!

Over these years I have attempted to restructure my diet several times, I have gone back to school to advance my career, served as a liaison, counselor, and advocate for my parents who recently passed, and moved back half way across the country. There have been peak experiences and deep valleys of grief that I have dealt with on a very personal level. Change has been constant and drastic.

Sometimes I have felt the miracle of life in the serendipitous events that have happened, and sometimes I have allowed the old internal tapes and limiting beliefs stop me cold in my tracks with paralyzing fear that I have made every wrong turn possible in my life. I do not think I am alone in questioning myself, my motives, my purpose in this life time. I believe that most of us at one time or another have these times of personal crisis... what I refer to as the dark night of the soul.

In essence these times of upheaval and change help us to reexamine who and what we are, what we really believe, and if those beliefs still support us. We all are conditioned as young children to certain beliefs about every aspect of life from religious doctrine to how we are to behave to be acceptable in our clan, families, society, and nation. Along with beliefs that support us becoming all we can be may be, other beliefs that contradict our self confidence, sense of self worth, and true sense of Self are instilled in us that become negative self talk. That second guessing of decisions made is part of our negative self talk that questions our worth and purpose on the planet.

This habit left unchecked can lead to depression, anxiety, and other emotional disturbances. It can lead to impaired thinking and/or physical imbalance in the form of digestive problems, heart problems, and a variety of long term chronic ailments. At that point we are out of balance in body-mind-spirit and seeking outside help to get us back on track is a natural measure towards regaining our health and wellness. But what philosophy does one embrace when in the throes of uncertainty? Do the tried and true measures of the past work for us or impede our progress?

Western medicine prods us with pills, procedures, and maintenance measures, telling us that this is what is natural. Because of my training and background, I have found these measures less than satisfying and therefore question the idea that I am in a state of decline due to my chronological age, or that I should trust the pharmaceutical companies to provide me with the latest quick fix.

Recently the two books I mentioned in my last post have come into my awareness. I have always been miracle minded and believe fully that my life is blessed. All of us came to this planet with purpose and joy. Even if circumstances appear that make us question that, we can regroup and embrace our Divine essence moving forward again on our journey of life. So believing in the unbelievable is a state of mind. It is seeing the glass half full as opposed to half empty. It is realizing that when a door closes another one opens... which really means that we can turn a disappointment or tragedy into an opportunity for personal growth. I view this time in my life as a time of letting go of attitudes, beliefs, habits, behaviors, and relationships that may have served me once but no longer do so. Cleaning house so to speak, and knowing that where space is made for the new and more appropriate things to come in...the universe speeds up to fill that empty space.

The second book mentioned is on ancient healing methods to clean out the internal debris in our intestinal tract and embrace a more holistic diet and lifestyle. To that end I have started a cleanse that promises to improve kidney, colon, gallbladder, and liver function, which in turn will improve my overall health in body-mind-spirit. I am again living in miracle mind that I can regain optimal health by using trusted ancient measures to regain access to my body's innate wisdom. This next few months should be quite interesting to see how my body responds. As purification has been a constant message for awhile now, my response is to take this opportunity to continue my process and take it to the next level consciously. To that end I am actively taking responsibility to embrace my conscious sense of wellness.