Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Intention to Connect to the Whole

Consider this: We are not human beings having a spiritual experience we are Spiritual beings having a human experience. How many of us truly embrace that reality and live accordingly? It is not a goal to achieve, but a life journey that has its ebbs and flows. It is easy to be positive, optimistic, and self-confidant when our life appears to be flowing unimpeded, but how do we respond when our comfort zone is challenged? Trauma and stress appears to be rampant and pervasive throughout our lives at this time in history.

There was a time, eons ago, that humans understood the sacredness of all life. We believed that our planet was alive and all life was tied to our honoring the Great Mother. Over the millennia we’ve separated the whole into small parts to examine what we once considered Great Mystery. In doing so we have learned a great deal about the inner workings of our world and our physiology, becoming very intellectual and logical. There have been tremendous advances in technology, yet there has been an equal loss in acceptance of intuition and heart felt trust in our interdependence with all cultures and with nature itself.

Now the spiral appears to be coming back around. Quantum physicists have concluded that Consciousness cannot be excluded from any equation. The researcher’s intention confounds any scientific inquiry whether in a laboratory or in the clinic. Cognitive/behavioral psychologists are recognizing that focusing on pathology merely keeps one’s consciousness hooked into limitation and they are working to develop a Wellness philosophy that includes mindfulness. While a metaphysical understanding of spirituality embraces a personal connection to Spirit rather than any specific religious doctrine.

In other words, conscious intention is key to Wellness. Wellness implies being Whole. Wholeness implies balance of body-mind-spirit, which can only be maintained by equally embracing heart and mind, or both intuition and logic. How often do we trust our own innate knowing rather than giving our personal choice and power away to some greater authority? There is a great need to relearn how to connect to our Higher Selves and begin to trust in our own Divine nature. This has been and remains my intention on my own journey through life, and it is my honor to hold that sacred space and teach techniques that assist my clients in reclaiming their choice to be Whole.