Monday, October 5, 2009

A Question of Balance

Presuming that wellness equates to balance in all areas of life, what does balance represent? How is that defined? And how does one maintain that fine, delicate homeostatis in all areas of one's life considering that we humans are always in a state of flux? I ask these questions as much for myself as the next person.

As a Transpersonal therapist, I have made my life's work about helping individuals, couples and families work with these very issues. I base my theories about life on my own life journey... wandering through the interpersonal questions about meaning in life, purpose of life, the hows and whys of what makes me the way I am. I have had opportunities throughout my life to travel, to pursue ideas and studies that expanded my spiritual beliefs, my multi-cultural acceptance, and my basic openness to learn new things and interest in self-growth. I am also grounded enough to strive to make what I have learned applicable in my life.

That being said, life is in flux and changes in relationships, job status, and other areas of life can adversely affect my emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical health like anyone else. Along the way we all naturally come to cross roads or times when we look at what truly has meaning and value for us. Do our habitual ways of thinking, believing, behaving support our true Self? Have we accomplished what we thought we would by this time in our lives? Are we content and happy with where we are?

These are stressful times at the personal, the national, the global level. On all areas of life we as humans are being asked to reconsider our thinking, our beliefs, our values, and to be willing to move beyond our comfort zones to come back into balance. As I believe, we must begin with each of us individually to make positive change in our collective lives, I intend to use this creative venue to discuss the issues that I am also dealing with to promote the psychology of consciousness and wellness.

Sometimes a personal crisis of some sort occurs to pull us out of our self induced day dream within our personal comfort zones. I think of a personal crisis as anything that we perceive as significant loss. Within all the feelings of upset and uncertainty there is also an opportunity to begin to question our certainty of beliefs that we may have held dear consciously or unconsciously for years, perhaps decades.

Emotionally, perhaps we have become numb to our true feelings, or our ability to relate to the day to day habits of our lives. Physically our bodies rebel with chronic aches and pains. Clarity may elude us as well as we circle around and around issues without any certainty on what decision to make. Spiritually we may feel that we are out of cinc with our beliefs or we may be questioning what is of value in our lives. These are all symptoms that our lives are out of balance and that it is time to face our fears of the unknown and jump into embracing positive change.

These transitions in life are normal occurances and happen at regular intervals throughout the life cycle as well as when unexpected events occur. An individual's astrological and numerological birth chart is very predictive of life lessons related to the alignment of the planets and the meaning behind your given name. These are old scientific art forms that can be quite helpful in learning about one's self. It is amazing the first time you have that done what will stand out for you that is so easily seen through appyling your time and place of birth plus your full name to mathematical formulas and interpretations.

One such astrological event is the placement of Saturn (the teacher planet of life's lessons) and it's return to birth place every 28 years roughly. Generally around those times you might have what you might consider to be earth shattering changes/upheavels in your life that make you consider all those big questions about yourself. Looking back on one's life around those times, 27-30, 54-57, etc. you might see that pattern for yourself. If you haven't reached it that period yet, pay attention when it comes. This is one of those natural opportunities to re-examine how life is working for or against your true Self.

For me I have had both of these types of times in my life over the past few years. Wellness through changing my consciousness... refining the base levels of my life is the process that I am entertaining and learning to embrace at a new level. Being conscious means I set my intention to strive to regain and reclaim true balance of body-mind-emotions-spirit through examining and releasing those thoughts, beliefs, and habits that do not support my Wellness. In sharing this with any interested reader, I will also be continuing to serve as transpersonal therapist, as a model and through demonstrating a method to pursue the next level of personal growth and wellness.

To that end I am going to share the name of two books that have recently crossed my path:

Learning to Believe the Unbelievable: Living Life as a Miracle Leader by Stephen McGhee
Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation by Andreas Moritz